Microwave Power Transfer :-

          Microwave power transmission has the potential to supply wireless power to portable/mobile electronic devices over long distances efficiently. This method includes microwave frequencies from 1GHz up to 1000GHz. The microwave power transmission technique employs propagating electromagnetic waves in the microwave frequency range as the carrier of wireless power. Compared with techniques based on inductive coupling, microwave power transmission has the potential to reach longer distances. Meanwhile, microwave power transmission enjoys several advantages relative to optical power transmission. First, microwaves have better penetration compatibility than optical waves. Second, the conversion efficiency between DC power and microwave power is usually higher than that between DC power and optical power.

          Microwave power transfer begins with producing microwaves by using a microwave generator. Generated radio waves then pass through the Coax to Waveguide adapter to the waveguide circulator to isolate the microwaves generator and prevent detuning its desired frequency. Then, a tuner and directional coupler are used to separate the waves according to their propagation direction.
          Finally, microwaves are transmitted through the antenna. At the receiver terminal, microwaves are received by a rectenna, then they pass through low pass filters, to finally produce DC power.